From Hollywood
Vehicles that Hollywood has made famous.

The Borax 20 Mule Team is an icon of the American West. Highlighted in the television program Death Valley Days which was narrated by the future President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, the teams of 20 mules made weekly trips from the Harmony Borax Works near Harmony, CA to the railroad near Mojave, CA, hauling tons of borax each trip. The 20 Mule Team truly signifies Death Valley.

The size of the Mule Team wagons and wheels was a challenge to conquer! Check out the scale next to a traditional size model horse. From the tip of the lead mules noses to the end of the water wagon when it was all harnessed up and connected was 26 feet long. Can you believe we didn't take pictures?? The mule team model now resides with an art collector in Connecticut, who was kind enough to send these pictures.