As Real As It Gets!!
Bill Duncan of Duncan Wagons creates historically accurate model horse vehicles. Everything from historic stage coaches, Queen's carriages, and Sjees to modern day Combined Driving carts used in the Olympics.
Tour through the American West to see Bill Duncan's favorite vehicles and through the Gallery to be truly amazed at his skills. He has mastered vehicles from around the world and may be the only living model maker creating many of these! Look especially at the elaborate Sjees carriages from The Netherlands and the 25 different carriages, from England, France, Spain...from around the world! Keep in mind while viewing that these do not come with plans. He must study the vehicle from all angles, draw them to the appropriate scale - 1/8, 1/9, 1/12, or 1/16th - to then make his own plan. He is self taught with an amazing creative eye!
As Real As It Gets!